Piano Keys for Christ Piano Lessons "Agreement”
Please find below the terms and conditions for Piano Keys for Christ Piano Lessons.
WEEKLY: Lessons are held every week for 30-minute session. All students are expected to prepare and practice for each session while at home. If a student is out longer than (2) two weeks, a deposit will be required to hold designated appointed time slot. Students are expected to arrive on time for each lesson. Late arrivals will be allotted the remaining time of their lesson. If you miss or cancel a lesson without advance notification which is less than (24) twenty-four hours, your payment will be non-refundable. If missed and/or no show after two weeks, student's reserved time will be cancelled and you will have to re-register for a fee of $35.00.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION: Piano Keys for Christ will be closed on the following holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, December 25th and January 1st. Schedules for make-up classes may need to be adjusted during these weeks to accommodate the holiday schedule.
PRACTICE: Successful practice is a joint effort among teacher; student and his/her parent. It is a must for each student on a regular basis to practice getting the best results. Parents should provide an atmosphere at home that will promote efficient learning and help the student look forward to a routine practice schedule. Time must be set aside consistently for practicing rather than trying to play “catch up” just before coming to lessons. A minimum of 15-20 minutes for 3 days is mandatory for each week. This time may be expanded by the teacher based on the student’s level of performance.
TERMINATION OF LESSONS: Every effort will be made to retain all students. Most often when a student cancels or terminates piano lessons, it is avoidable. In such case, at least a 2-week written notice must be given to the teacher. If a student leaves without prior notice, and there is a balance, there will be a penalty fee accessed in the amount of $50 non-refundable return fee along with balance owed.
CANCELLATIONS: Any cancellation will need to be made 8 hours in advance to have a make-up class honored before next lesson. If not notified within the appropriate time frame (8 hours), no make-up class will not be honored. The only exceptions would be illnesses, medical emergencies, or funerals. If a student miss 2 week or more without advanced notification, appointment time slot will be filled. If a student miss or cancel a lesson without advanced notification, payment will be non-refundable and make-up class will not be honored.
MAKE-UP CLASSES: Make up classes will be made via Zoom or in-person if not scheduled before next lesson. No show or no call, make up class will not be honored, and payment will be non-refundable. If missed and/or no show after 2 weeks, student reserved time slot will be cancelled and will have to re-register for a non-refundable fee of $35.00.
TUITION & FEES: Tuition is based on the following non-refundable pre-paid four (4) or five (5) week monthly plan. Payments may be paid by check, money order or cash. We also accept PayPal, Square, Stripe, Credit or Debit cards with $3.00 convenience fee added. Zelle is offered also with no service fee.
REGISTRATION FEE: A non-refundable fee is $35.00, a deposit is required to secure appointed time slot and will also be used for administrative fees.
CHANGE IN FEES: Every effort shall be made to maintain the same fees expressly stated, in the event it becomes necessary to increase fees, a 30-day notice will be given to the parent/guardian or student in advance.
PAYMENTS: In advance a payment plan for fees to be paid bi-weekly or monthly are to be paid on or before next lesson to hold your designated time slot in advance. Payments are due in advance before next lesson to be scheduled on calendar. Payments received after due date will incur a $20 late fee.
RETURNED CHECKS: Any check written to Piano Keys for Christ and returned by the bank for insufficient funds will be returned to the writer. An additional fee of $35.00 will be assessed by the teacher to reimburse the cost incurred. This fee is subject to change without notice based upon the banking system. The value of check and fee must be paid prior to the next lesson. After 2 returned payments, only cash or certified funds will be accepted.
MATERIALS: A fee will be asked only if needed for piano materials or books or you would like to purchase yourself you may do so.
RECITALS: Performing is a key part of musical growth and expression. Students will have serveral opportunites to perform for a recital to be determined. A fee for the recital will be to incur cost for venue, etc.
PHOTOS/VIDEOS: Photo and videos that are taken during piano lessons may be used for website and promotional purposes. Do you consent to Piano Keys for Christ for permission?
Yes __ No ___
I have read and understood the above agreement with Piano Keys for Christ, LLC
________________________________ _________________________
Responsible Party (Parent/Guardian) or Student’s Signature Date